From the 40's to the 50's, in a period of big political changes, Italy mutated from kingdom to republic. There is only one big name inside our data: Alcide De Gasperi, statesman, politician and founder of the Christian Democratic Party. During his lifetime, and especially his political career, there were a lot of spoken and written words. Our analysis focused on a series of transcripts from June 18th 1946 to August 17th 1953.
«Un politico guarda alle prossime elezioni.
Uno statista guarda alla prossima generazione.»
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman of the next generation.
Project realized in collaboration with the Digital Humanities Group at FBK. Data provided by the project ALCIDE (Analysis of Language and Content In a Digital Environment).
The historical background under analysis it's inside all the eight mandates of Alcide De Gasperi. We have highlighted some of the main events about Italian political history and European as well. By analyzing all the documents we have been provided, we took into account only the transcripts inside the 1946 - 1953 period. In this histogram we can see in a more detailed way all the different types of documents, divided into three main groups: his writings, verbal communications in official premises and verbal communications in other places. You can select and visualize every single typology.
This chart explains the evolution of the government structure divided into majority and opposition. This is the evolution of political parties from December 10th 1945 until June 8th 1953 when De Gasperi loses the elections and does not return in power. In the representation we can also observe the transition between monarchy and republic through the National Council, and the composition of governments that led to the drafting of the Italian Constitution. You can click on the Senate button and visualize also the Senate partition. Thanks to the mouse hover you can identify all the name parties.
In order to show the 50 most used words inside the transcripts of each mandate we used a stream-graph. The visualization allows you to see their progress during Alcide De Gasperi's governments. Comparing these data with the composition of the related government, you can understand the nature of the wide use or the disaffection to certain words. Every curve amplitude represents the variation of the word use frequency. This parameter is defined by quintiles. The bigger the quintile is, the bigger the word variation is. This tendency defines general themes and topics in the mandates timeline.
This section shows a quantitative graph about the 10 most frequently cited people, within the texts. Many of these characters are representative political personalities, while others belong to different historical periods. Quotations may refer to De Gasperi's wide culture and they are very useful to delineate De Gasperi's network and connection with other people as well as some aspects of his political nature and erudition. Since the most quoted persons are not belonging to De Gasperi's party, we can assume he was often referring to his rivals or to entities related to historical occurrence.
Studying the data, we found that some of the transcripts have different comments (such as applauses, enthusiasm or grumbles) relative to what people's reaction was during De Gasperi's meetings. After an accurate analysis of the comments we made to categorizations: consensus and dissent. Every dissent or consensus comment has been related to a specific faction and at the same time we also gave a parameter from 1 to 5 to the consensus and from -1 to -5 to the dissent. The result is a visualization of four graphs, one for each party evaluated.
We're a group of students from Politecnico di Milano.
We are beautiful, clever as well as a little crazy!
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