WHISTLEBLOWERS LEGAL AUTHORITIES 1978 2002 2005 2006 2011 2013 1981 2001 2008 2014 FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT (FISA)Fisa provides the foundation for foreign intelligence surveillance. EXECUTIVE ORDER 12333The order authorizes the collection of all information for the purpose of "national defense”. WILLIAM BINNEY, NSA Binney has been publicly critical of the NSA for spying on U.S. citizens. THOMAS ANDREWS DRAKE, NSADrake claimed that the NSA was committing serious crimes against the American people. EDWARD SNOWDEN, NSA and CIA Snowden disclosed top secret NSA documents, revealing a global surveillance apparatus. THOMAS TAMM, U.S Department of JusticeThe article exposing the warrantless surveillance for the first time, was based on his tip-offs. MARK KLEIN, Former AT&T technicianKlein leaked knowledge of the NSA in capturing and processing American telecommunications. RUSS TICE, NSA and DIAHe claimed that the NSA and the DIA were engaged in unlawful wiretaps on American citizens. JULIAN ASSANGE, publisher and journalistHe is generally described as the founder, edi-tor-in-chief and director of Wikileaks. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT (FISA)Surveillance of a US person can be warrantless authorized when the person is outside the country. FREEDOM ACTThe act, whose aim was to end the bulk collection of Americans' metadata, didn’t pass. TERRORIST ATTACK TO THE TWIN TOWERSSeries of four coordinated attacks by the Islamic group al-Qaeda in New York City. PATRIOT ACTIt allows the collection of indiscriminate data to aid terrorism investigations.