Clusters by website' types
Corporate site: Used to provide background information about a business, organization, or service.
News site: Similar to an information site, but dedicated to dispensing news, politics, and commentary.
Blog: Sites generally used to post online diaries which may include discussion forums (e.g., Blogger, Xanga). Many bloggers use blogs like an editorial section of a newspaper to express their ideas on anything ranging from politics to religion to video games to parenting, along with anything in between. Some bloggers are professional bloggers and they are paid to blog about a certain subject, and they are usually found on news sites.
Social networking site: A site where users could communicate with one another and share media, such as pictures, videos, music, blogs, etc. with other users. These may include games and web applications.
Content site: A site the business of which is the creation and distribution of original content.
Information site: Most websites fit in this category to some extent. They do not necessarily have commercial purposes.
Community site: A site where persons with similar interests communicate with each other, usually by chat or message boards.
Personal website: Websites about an individual or a small group (such as a family) that contains information or any content that the individual wishes to include. Such a personal website is different from a Celebrity website, which can be very expensive and run by a publicist or agency.
Gripe site: A site devoted to the criticism of a person, place, corporation, government, or institution.
Brand building site: A site with the purpose of creating an experience of a brand online. These sites usually do not sell anything, but focus on building the brand. Brand building sites are most common for low-value, high-volume fast moving consumer goods (FMCG).
Celebrity website: A website the information in which revolves around a celebrity. These sites can be official (endorsed by the celebrity) or fan-made (run by a fan or fans of the celebrity without implicit endorsement).
E-Commerce site: A site offering goods and services for online sale and enabling online transactions for such sales.
Source: Wikipedia