The ever more rapid climate change that is occurring in these years prompted an immediate response from all the main socio-economic actor in the world. International cooperation has become a recognized tool to act before a point of no return is reached.
The Conference of Parties is one of the most important moments each year, in which countries from all around the world discuss how to cope with climate change, always in a different location.
After each COP, a report is redacted with all the themes, programs and duties that the countries discussed and accepted.
They are the reflection of each meeting and it’s possible to see in them the path that the countries have agreed to follow.
The report analysis selected a set of recurring themes at each COP, after counting all the words collected in the documents. This quantitative approach allows to draw the evolving conversation and how each theme shifted during all the conferences.
Source: COP Conferences Reports | Documents analyzed with Voyant Tools
Adaptation refers to adjustments in ecological, social, or economic systems in response to climatic stimuli.
It refers to changes in processes to moderate damages or to benefit from opportunities associated with climate change.
The growing interest around adaptation allowed the birth of international programs during and after COPs with the aim of helping specific areas. From 2002, five programs have been established and here is shown the increasing amount of funds that they have received from the international community.
Source: Climate Fund Update | 2002-2015
The awareness of an increasingly irreversible framework has prompted the international community to take concrete action through the allocation of funds dedicated to climate change adaptation and mitigation. The focus is on multilateral funds and programs.
Source: Climate Fund Update
Source: Climate Fund Update
Adaptation funds and their exchange cover almost all countries in the world, however only thirty countries contribute to 86% of all money. These ten countries deposited this amount of money from 2002 to 2015.
After being deposited, the money then needs to be approved. When approved, money is already allocated by each fund between the countries who need them.
Source: Climate Fund Update | 2002-2015
The money that each country receives targets five different key action areas about climate change adaptation. International agreements set the destination areas of funds to each country.
Multisector programs operate on multiple destination areas simultaneously in those countries whose condition can be improved on different fields.
Source: Climate Fund Update | 2002-2015
The relationship between vulnerability index and readiness index, each one composed of a set of different categories, states a country’s ability to adapt to climate change.
This ratio can be used to define a matrix aiming to identify the countries’ most critical situation.
Source: ND Gain
Source: ND Gain | 2014
With the vulnerability and readiness index matrix, the countries in the most critical situation emerged. Here, they are visualized with the amount of money that they actually receive from international adaptation funds. The top twenty recipients and the top twenty vulnerable are highlighted in the map.
Source: ND Gain & Climate Funds Update | 2002-2015
Is it legitimate to identify a single threshold past which it is impossible to go back?
The point of no return for climate change is uncertain for each country and influenced by different causes.
Because of this, each one of them requires an ever changing and focused financial and political support.
International agreements to prevent and contain climate change consequences allow the most vulnerable countries to interact with the world’s other countries.
Even though it’s impossible to identify the line between reversibility and irreversibility, the scientific community is unanimous that the human influence on climate change is decisive.
Therefore, the meeting between the countries continues.
At COP22 in Marrakech, the central theme of adaptation to climate change carries forward the conversation of COP21 in Paris, that signed the Paris Agreement.