The ideology that today’s feminism brings to the attention is a constant complaining about manspreading and mansplaining, that pushes to one and only message: “Men are evil, broken and wrong”.
In a society which increasingly lacks a positive identity for men, feminism carries out a sexual strategy through which women want to create a matriarchal society, covering it up as a demand of equality.
Don’t be a mangina: follow the 5 steps to make sure women didn’t brainwash you.
In a 2005 study, capuchin monkeys were taught to use money tokens. Not long after, the first prostitute monkey appeared. Prostitution itself has been described as the world’s oldest profession. But we know that exchange-free promiscuous sex occur among almost all primates. In macaques and chimpanzees, females copulate with multiple partners until they have an orgasm. In humans, females can orgasm multiple times without a recovery period. The average time for men to reach orgasm is between three and five minutes. For women it’s between 15 and 40 minutes. There’s an obvious orgasm gap here.
While men are typically penis-centric, women have a lot of erogenous zones. Virtually every part of their body can be a feel-good button. The clitoris has twice as many nerve endings as the penis. It’s there for fun. The organ has no other function. Women were made to find sex pleasurable, arguably more than men. Women are naturally geared towards getting sex when she can. The problem? Sex is now plentiful.
Women have plump breasts. No other primate does, unless they’re breastfeeding. It’s a trait non-essential for survival. But there’s an adaptive payoff that outweighs the energy cost and survival risk: sexual advantage. Peacocks get more peahens. Women get more men. In nature, sex mostly only occur when the female is ovulating. To prevent males searching for other mates while she’s not ovulating, a woman’s breasts signal she’s continuously sexually receptive. Push up bras, plunging necklines, fishnet crop tops, breast implants: enhancing your assets opens up your options. It’s not slutty. It’s called natural selection.
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