Place making in the mass media entertainment world

How film directors' aesthetic influence the way Instagram users take photos of places?

visualization 05

Some movies affect our interaction with the environment, even if we aren’t aware of it. The aim is to understand which are the directors that influence people to the point that they identify directors’ style in some peculiarities of landscape and spots. The categorization of photos collected on Instagram underlines which are the features of each director’s style that most influence people’s vision.

Main Findings

It was found that among the list of auteur directors, the one with most results is Wes Anderson, with hundreds of images that recall his unique stylistic choices: symmetry, pastel colours and particular architectural styles.

In general, among the aesthetic characteristics of the directors to which Instagram users refer to, the most mimicked stylistic choices are about colour and perspective.

For each case there is a feature of the director’s aesthetic that most influenced who took the photo. For example, the photos referred to Kubrick’s movies often recall his use of the central perspective. While the shots related to Refn’s style mainly recall the colours of neon lights.

example of secondary visualization

It’s truly interesting to realize that film directors’ aesthetics are not imitated because of their popularity, but for certain fixed stylistic choices that make their works recognisable and unique among all the others.

example of secondary visualization


example of protocol

Data sources

Date of retrieval

13/11 and 21/11/2019