What inspired this topic is the growing curiosity of how the creatives incorporated this new technology in their film/movie projects. There is an undeniable growth in the number of movies with drones incorporated in their plot. Whether as the main subject matter, supporting element, or as a part of the settings within the storyline. What drives us to look into which genre of movies mentioned drones the most, is the curiosity of how creatives viewed drones. What it’s capability, what type of scenario it is in.
Main Findings
The genre with the most mentions of drone is Action. Throughout the timeline, there’s a consistent trend of at least a drone related movie every year.
-There is a sudden growth of drone related movies after 2015. The number of genres mentioned drone grew as well.
-Drone are mentioned in new genres such as sci-fi, documentary and family.
-In 2016, genres such as fantasy and animation appeared. The year after, in 2017, drone are mentioned in comedy. 2020, horror movies related to drones are posted.