Real life threats

Riding the wave of popularity of cartoon dressed-up videos, superheroes are figures that have been involved in the trend too. Due to his evergreen popularity, reinforced by recent movies, some content creators started to dress up as Spiderman, later posting their performances online.

In the first videos the character was represented in his daily life, introducing the audience to his morning routines or taking it parkouring with him. Shortly after though, misleading videos began to appear all across YouTube: the more violent a content is, the higher amount of views it gains. Far away from fighting threats to humankind, Spiderman now arrests and punishes kids, gets pregnant and hits common people to death.

As we tried to convey with the Spiderman’s episode, YouTube is now full of misleading clips, showing an exaggerated violence that does not belong to the traditional Spiderman cartoon. Sudden flashes alter the regular Spiderman intro, showcasing the distortion of the character: a sort of Spiderman's daily routine, where he progressively gets more evil and violent than usual. This episode aims at underlining the degeneration that may be seen on YouTube, when autoplay is switched on and children might be watching. causing an entire distortion of the whole video, preventing, this way, its reporting and the consequential removal from the net.
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