Responsive image
Responsive image
Plastic & Bariatric Surgery
  • @user344 No one is responding to my DMs
  • @user345 @taggeduser34 this is Composite Veneers
  • @user346 Hello, how do I get a consultation?
  • @user347 I wrote you guys
  • @user348 💎
  • @user349 How long have you guys been in business?
  • @user350 Everyday I see many reasons to testify about this great bitcoin company on how they changed my life financially @taggeduser36
  • @user351 How much is something like this 😍
  • @user352 😱😱💙💙
  • @user353 @taggeduser35 Hi, is that composite veneers or porcelain? And what are the prices for them ? Looks so perfect!!!! I WANT IT TOO! 🤗🤗😍😍😍
  • @user354 😍
  • @user355 I dm u
  • @user356 Perfection 😍
  • @user357 @taggeduser37
  • @user358 Check dm ❤️
  • @user359 @taggeduser38
  • @user360 I started working from home and earned $15k week with the help of @user000 started working from home and earned $15k weekly with the help of @user000
  • @user361 I am happy being one of your clients ma’am @taggeduser39 I just received my monthly profit of $10,000 ma’am I really appreciate 🙏
  • @user362 Woah! You guys, AMAZING JOB! I love seeing transformations like this!
  • @user363 Damn them shits white white
  • @user364 Looks amazing