
As the first step of the project, we tried to give our theme a definition generated by online users, according to “bottom-up” principles. Open Culture is used in many different ways and different contexts, therefore a comprehensive definition was necessary. The final definition is an intensive one, the kind of expressions that can provide and define the semantic essence of a term.
To make sure all the possible meanings are included, we used the so called partitio process. This mechanism helps in defining words by partitioning all the different semantic shades and summing them up in one single definition.


  1. Search on the query “Open Culture”
  2. Look for the first reliable page that contains on overview of the topic, which is in this case the second result (the Wikipedia page of the theme)
  3. Extract the intro paragraph of the page and the intro paragraphs of the See Also pages which are directly related to your theme
  4. Count all the words using the tool Stemmer
  5. Group the words for semantic areas and give a summarizing title to each group
  6. Develop a proper definition making sure all the areas are included in the final expression


Timestamp: 24/11/2016

Data source: Wikipedia, Stemmer, Word Counter

The dataset contains the most used words when defining Open Culture, clustered by semantic area.