Let’s look at the timeline of the Launch Year of PoW and PoS Blockchains

Did you notice that PoS boom was later than PoW? Also, that there are more PoS launched in recent years than PoW blockchains?

This is because PoW is not considered to be a sustainable enough blockchain, so new “more sustainable” alternatives emerge.

But how do they describe their sustainability?

Get familiar with sustainable blockchains language

The selected keywords come from the landing page of sustainable blockchains and are separated into two categories.
The first category is the 4 more commonly used words related to sustainability. These are words that everyone can relate to and identify as sustainable.
The second category is the most relevant concepts defining a technology-sustainable system, these indicate that a blockchain has a healthy ecosystem that can thrive.
Discover how they were selected on the about page.

But context matters, discover what’s being said about sustainability

Word Sustainable appearing on sustainable blockchains homepages

Blockchain is a very new developing technology that is using a different language to communicate.
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