A well-established name

Many terms,
one meaning


While we were trying to understand how the Internet talk about Net Neutrality we decide to categorize all the websites that we found, in seven different category (check the News and Blog visualization).

This map shows which are the specific terms used by Internet service providers (ISPs), content providers (CP), ad hoc websites (Activism), governative websites (Politic) and petition websites (Petitions) to talk about this debate.

How to read the visualization

The visualization displays which are the used terms in this discussion and shows which are the shared words between those categories.

On the y-axis we can find the top 20 most interesting n-grams of each sections in alphabetical order. Each bubble shows the connection between words and categories and their size are proportional to the terms frequency. With a simple mouse over on each n-gram is it possible to see the number of their incidence.

How it has been done

As we can see on the barchart below, the data related to “ISPs”, “CP”, “Activism”, “Petitions” and “Politics” are less than the the first two, so unlike the the first part, in this case we decide to analyze those categories without keeping the distinction between the queries. We used Zup to obtain .txt files from websites and than we analyzed them with Sven.


Observing the dots chart we can clearly see that, like in News and Blog graph, there are some words that recur always like FCC, ISPs and Internet. Furthermore we have terms that are specific for each category: for example “Activism” use words like Free speech or Gatekeepers; “ISPs” has vocables like Backbone or Competition, etcetera.

Really interesting are words like Net Neutrality or Open Internet which are used by all of the categories but in a really small quantity from “ISPs”. Another fascinating difference comes out with terms like People, and Users that are used only by “Activism” and “Petitions”; “CP” and “ISPs” to refer at this genre prefer to use words like Customer and Consumer.


Timestamp: 6/12/2014 - 7/12/2014

Data source: Google Search

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