Providing emotional and ethical content is usually the easiest way to push people sharing a lot. Blog and activism categories are the most shared, in which @Anonymous photos and @FightForTheFTR petitions take over. Mozilla Foundation and Google Employers use words like “save the internet” and “stand for open internet”; independent journalists (@theliveshowtv, @ProjectCensored) tend to post tweets urging freedom of speech and disapproving US Government choices.
“The Jason Stapleton Program”, a YouTube show providing «daily in-depth analysis you won’t get anywhere else in the mainstream media that focuses on the principles of economics, capitalism, freedom and liberty», is the most shared content, though the datum is quite distorted (its main supporters seem to be fake accounts).
US Politicians are well lined up: democrats support Obama’s petition in favor of the Net Neutrality, while republicans and related lobbies use harsh words toward the President of United States.
European politicians are involved too: lots of “technical news” refer to a speech the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel took at the Vodafone-hosted Digitising Europe conference in Berlin on Dec 5th 2014, whose ideas are not so in favor of the Open Internet.