research question

Is there a connection between stimulants and students on Wikipedia? Which language is more connected?

Other Other connections Number of connections Node with most connections 1 5 ALL GERMAN PORTUGUESE ITALIAN FRENCH ENGLISH Droge Anfetamina Sistema Nervoso Central Deficiência mental Necessidades educativas especiais Deficiência Pemolina Plexo nervoso Neurciência Metilfenidato Intelligenza Scuola Droga Overdose Alcoolisme Histoire de l'éducation en France Pédagogie Motivation Économie du savoir Éducation Psychologie du développement Attention Perception Cognitive science Neuroenhancement Cognitive liberty Epistemology Learning Study skills Tutor Teaching method Cognition Discrimination against drug addicts Andragogy Mental health counseling International student Learning School uniform Student activism Student orientation School counselor Study skills Tutor Teacher Youth Youth activism Transfer admissions in the United States Sexual harassment in education Campus rape Aufmerksamkeit Teilleistungsschewäche Impulskontrollstörung Abhängigkeitssyndrom durch psychotrope Substanzen Psychiatrie Selbstmedikation Drogentherapie Absetzerscheinung Co-Abhängigkeit Lernmethode Arbeit (Sozialwissenschaften) Studium Nootropikum Student Abhängigkeit (Medizin) Droge Substanzungebundene Abhängigkeit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung Ausbildung Nootrópico Estimulante Anfetamina Sistema Nervoso Central Deficiência mental Necessidades educativas especiais Deficiência Pemolina Plexo nervoso Neurciência Metilfenidato Educação Transtorno do déficit de atenção com hiperatividade Vício Aluno Cafeína Nicotina Ginseng Drogas alucinógenas Viagra Herbalism Sedativo Café Trans-humanismo Inteligência Cognição Cérebro Nutrição Artes liberais Educação especial Aprentizagem Educação inclusiva Dia do estudante Dia Internacional dos Estudantes Eleitor Transtorno mental Drogadição Vício em pornografia Vício por açúcar Narcóticos Anônimos Deficiência Instabilità psicomotoria Neurotrasmettitori Coscienza (psicologia) Memoria (fisiologia) Aiuto ergogenico Bisogno Codipendenza Stupefacente Alcolismo Tabagismo Caffeina Motivazione (psicologia) Conflitto (psicologia) Droga leggera Traffico di droga Legalizzazione Proibizionismo Università Progetto Erasmus Studente fuori sede Organi collegiali della scuola Pedagogia sperimentale Andragogia Docimologia Progetto educativo Studio (apprendimento) Intelligenza Educazione Droga Overdose Dipendenza Disturbo da deficit di attenzione e iperattività Sostanza stupefacente Nootropo Studente Scuola Depressant Hallucinogen Psychedelic drug Narcotic Inhalant Amélioration humaine Prostitution étudiante Fraternité (société) Étudiant en France Sémiophonie Dépression (psychiatrie) Monomanie Acrosyndrome Cognitive liberty Dépendance au jeu vidéo Méthadone Toxicomanie Addictologie Pharmacodépendance Psychotrope Stimulant Étudiant Addiction Alcoolisme Nootropique Education Trouble du déficit de l'attention avec ou sans hyperactivité Histoire de l'éducation en France Pédagogie Motivation Économie du savoir Éducation Psychologie du développement Attention Perception Student Biopsychiatry controversy Medical ethics Psychopathology Binge eating disorder Motivation Drug tolerance Physical dependence Antidepressant Hallucinogen Human enhancement Pleasure Brain–computer interface Fluid and crystallized intelligence Bullying in academia Hazing School violence Sexual harassment in education School School uniform Student orientation School counselor Teacher Nootropic Stimulant Addiction Cognitive science Neuroenhancement Cognitive liberty Epistemology Learning Study skills Tutor Teaching method Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder controversies Education Cognition Discrimination against drug addicts Andragogy Nootropic Student Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Education Stimulant Addiction Seed Connection points
Description Protocol Data


The data visualization displayed above shows six different networks meant to represent the connections between the different languages related to the research made. Six different seeds are set in the same position for each language. The first visualization is the total view of the connections and with a hovering function over each of the five languages, the most important connections between the seeds are going to be shown. In this way is given to the user the chance to compare two languages. By clicking on the language labels every connection comes up for the one selected. The main point of this visualization is to illustrate the fact that all these seeds are more reasonably connected in English language, which gives a start on the further research within US considering the fact that amphetamines, among all the other given possible countries are legal and more available in this area. A result is an interactive network graph in which you can compare the connections and explore them separately for five languages.

example of secondary visualization

Before focusing on a specific geographical area, it was necessary to understand which part of the world suffer mostly the stimulants abuse. The research started with the assignment of the keywords (seeds) to find the connection between them on Wikipedia. As a result, six seeds have a clearer view on the topic: Student, Education, ADHD, Nootropic, Stimulants, Addiction. Moving forward the corresponding pages in English, French, German, Portuguese and Italian were found. Some of the exact corresponding pages were either missing or had a different meaning, as in the situation with German page “Student” that redirected to the “Schüler” which is pupil, so they had to replaced with the page “Student”. Using Seealsology a .GEXF graph file for each language was refined and the creation of the visualization started. First of all, the direct connection between the seeds or the lack of them was defined and the main connection points in all languages were illustrated with the size of the seed in each language. The more connection the seed receives from the others, the bigger is. Other connections that the seeds had were provided for a better perception and to define the nature of the relations with other seeds or the lack of it. Secondly, all the direct connections and connection points were combined for every language transferring it all to the single .ai file.


example of protocol


Data Source: Wikipedia
Timestamp: Nov 2018
View Data (900Kb)

Data were taken from Wikipedia using Seealsology and shows the amount of connections between the “Nootropic” group of wikis and the “Student” ones. The idea was to show the differences of these connections between different languages, so at the end it brought to 5 .gexf file, one for language: English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese.