The visualization displays the quantity of the articles that talk about Adderall and students in each month during a timespan that goes from January 2012 to November 2018. What can be instantly perceived by this graph is the change in the quantity of articles about Adderall, represented with rectangles. Moreover, it can be observed how many of those articles are talking about Students, which are highlighted in orange. By hovering each orange rectangle, you get the full info about it on the label that appears on the side of the screen. The grey areas behind the rectangles show the stimulant use by college students and non college students in the same timespan of the articles analysis. It strikes to the attention that news providers were talking about Adderall and Adderall related to college students more in the period before the boom of the stimulants abuse detected from 2015 onward.
To understand the interest of publishers about Adderall, the 10 most circulated newspapers in USA has been selected in Wikipedia. Then, in the research bar of each website it has been put the query “Adderall”, as it is the most common among the students according to the results of the first protocol developed. 1250 articles that mentioned the drug were selected and divided in the ones that were talking about college students (orange) and the ones that were not mentioning that topic (blue). Based on the time of publication and obtained data, the visualization was built in Adobe Illustrator.
Data Source: Articles from the following Newspapers
Timestamp: Jan 2012-Nov 2018
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The dataset was created starting from the official pages of the top ten newspaper in US in order of circulation. Inside of these were searched all the articles related to Adderall from 2012 to 2018 that were categorized in order to know which were talking about students and which not. The dataset shows all of these articles, the journal in which they were posted, their dates and their topic, and for those that have connections with the academic world it gives the link to the article.