research question

2.2. What is the language used by different website categories in reporting Belo Monte?

Website Category Educational and Academic Environmental Organisations Human Rights Organisations News Governmental Institutions Social Media and Publishing Platforms Companies Number of times the websites appear in the query
English Brazilian
desenvolvimentista fevereiro população parte vazão dias seria reduzida segundo ibama total mudanças ministério trecho entre abril maior formação perda infraestrutura pará feira nbr cerimônia comercial todo estruturas sudoeste plena compõem carga confira capaz atender jornal forneça pessoas terceira quinta previsão nesta entrou estados elétrica participou essas inventário técnico canais concessão valor transmissão acordo ambientais viabilidade nacional sistema edital uhe estudos vista minas garantia aneel início principais dilma licença reservatórios ambiental décadas enchimento debater crise colapso cachoeira assinatura suspensa volta contaminação básico reservas extrativistas decisão silvestre encontro saneamento suspende saúde iriri seca permanece paralisação decreto luta homologada gestão pede desenvolvimento risco justiça vidas dependem energético contra ativistas defesa povos terra planejamento kayapó comissão caso populações climáticas amazônia afetados tornou humanos soluções comunidades direitos licenciamento medidas limpa proteção produzir falta suspensão governo environmental empreiteiras brazilian preço amazon mwh fishing families goldmine displaced traditional river indigenous communities muito juruna empresas alexia people tcu mercado eletrobrás foundation afirmar brazil fish grupos reais esgotos altura alta tipo trabalhos companhia orguel forma consórcio peixe bilhões norte implantação solução escoramentos turbinas capacidade engenharia rede metros consumo xingu leilão casa força pimental instalada megawatts principal geração públicos federal milhões empreendimentos complementar operação gerar brasileiro impactos mundo causar áreas obras hidrelétrico água processo usina grande indígenas projeto anos cidades construção barragem altamira região problemas vitória presidenta país brasil sítios energia aprovação índios rio
turbine national planned upstream metres ibama court federal license plans kilometres installation eletronorte however eletrobras assessment generation economic state additional new president report landscape landsat show continuously surface earth collection satellite longest past significant center along week operate acquired detailed description years flow images groups policy huge social announced electricity percent scenario funds large build cost big main example billion struggle risk change land water complex against should activists planning prior kayapó case clean affected region indians found commission climate human their several alleged vale international depend communities thousand american comprehensive justice across development flooded world mega dam building chagas public island displaced ribeirinhos poor consortium foundation alexia life families fish juruna plant city sustainable live fishing forest goldmine deforestation workers site altamira power energia norte studies impact reservoir canal xingu capacity companies hydroelectric rights area government amazon people environmental energy maintain brazilian indigenous construction brazil river project
Description Protocol Data


The words networks show the issues addressed by the websites of the previous protocol in reporting the Belo Monte controversy. It is evident which are the words shared by many websites categories and which ones belong just to one. The size of the words describes the word recurrency, while the position on the map shows how much the word is shared by the websites. It is possible to identify straight away the clusters of exclusive words.

In the English query network, the three most recurring and shared words are “project”, “Brazil” and “construction”, giving the hint that international websites are oriented in giving a more general overview of the controversy for a non-Brazilian public. In the same query, other frequent words are “river”, “indigenous” and “environmental”, indicating that - aligned with the findings of protocol 2.1 - international websites are stressing visibly the socio-environmental issues. It should be noted that the correspondence of the vocabulary used by Governmental Institutions and Social Media and Publishing Platforms in the English query are due to the fact that different websites were reporting the same content.

On the other hand, the most recurring and shared words in the Brazilian query network are “energia” (energy), “Xingu”, “construção” (construction), “obras” (works) and “hidrelétrico” (hydroelectric.) The mostly addressed issues on Brazilian websites are related to energy and to the construction of the dam itself. Interestingly, it is notable that the words “Xingu” (the river on which the dam is being built) and “Altamira” (the closest city to Belo Monte) are often used by the websites, indicating a very strong connection of these entities with the dam.

Overall, every website category has its own specific language to report the issues linked to the dam, that add to the generally shared vocabulary.


example of protocol

Starting from the same list of 25 websites for both queries of protocol 2.1., the protocol aimed to analyse the topics of debate and their link to the sources that reported them. All the text present in every website in the list was inserted in Textalyser, automatically filtering out all the words shorter than three letters. Non-relevant words were manually removed, such as articles. The keywords used for the queries (“Belo”, “Monte”, “usina”, “hidrelétrica”, “dam”) were also removed. The 50 most recurring words were saved in a .tsv file for each analysed website, and the data merged in a single dataset together with the website categories used in the previous protocol. The dataset was imported and visualised with Gephi, and graphically enhanced in Adobe Illustrator. A series of bar charts displaying more detailed data for each word was created as integration for the web experience.


Data Source: Textalyser
Timestamp: 09/11/2018
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Two .tsv files collecting nodes and edges for each network. Words recurrence for each website category is included in this dataset.