research question

3.3. What kind of topics are addressed by the actors and their public on Facebook to talk about Belo Monte?

Facebook Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 Most Recurring Words on Facebook 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of words in thecategory in posts Number of words in thecategory in comments
Economics Government Energy Infrastructure Geography Environmental People Attributes
Companies GovernmentalInstitutions Judiciary Financiers Political Groups Human RightsOrganisations Celebrities IndigenousPeople EnvironmentalOrganisations Governo do Brasil Ministério do Meio Ambiente ANEEL FUNAI Ministério deMinas e Energia UHE Belo Monte EletrobrasEletronorte Eletrobras Vale S.A Odebrecht Andrade Gutierrez Light S.A. Grupo JMalucelli Neoenergia TRF 1a Região Sinobras Supremo TribunalFederal FUNCEF BNDES Petrobras Luiz Inácio Lulada Silva Dilma Rousseff CIDH Sting Kayapo James Cameron Raoni International Rivers Greenpeace Movimento XinguVivo para Sempre Partido dosTrabalhadores Michel Temer
Description Protocol Data


The Heatmap shows how much posts and comments are covering various topics in the debate about Belo Monte. Like the previous graph, the actors and their public are directly compared on the same line.

It is first noted that in many pages the discussion was not extensive enough to allow a recurrency count; as such, many lines have no data displayed. In general, all the pinpointed topics are evenly addressed, with a particular interest for the ones that represent the interest area of the actors page. Posts in Companies pages, for instance, mostly focus on Energy and Infrastructure, while the discussion in Environmental Organisations pages addresses mostly Environmental and Geography topics. The graph also gives some insight on the tones used in the comments, as many pleasantries or connoting tones are recurring in the Attributes topic. Positive attributes such as “parabéns” (best wishes) or “orgulho” (pride) are most recurring in Companies comments, while words such as “stop” that are somehow a call to action are more present in Environmental Organisation pages, showing the engagement of the public with the topic.


example of protocol

The protocol is the last of the research, aimed at investigating the content of the discussion on Facebook. Starting from the dataset created in the previous protocols, all the text of relevant posts and comments for every actors’ page was inserted in Textalyser to extract the most recurring words. The 10 most recurring words in posts and comments for every page were categorised according to their topic (Economics, Government, Energy, Infrastructure, Geography, Environmental, People, Attributes). A numerical value ranging from one to 7 was assigned to every category based on how many times words tagged with that label were appearing in order to manually create a Heatmap in Adobe Illustrator. As stated above, many pages did not have enough data in posts or comments for the API to be able to output a word count.


Data Source: FacePager, Textalyser
Timestamp: 24/11/2018
View Data (35Kb)

The dataset includes two .tsv files for each actors’ facebook page containing the words recurrence for each post and comments related to the topic.