research question

01. Which are the correlated topics between human migration, space exploration and space colonization in nowadays debate?

Description Protocol Data


This visualization displays the Seealsology as a triangulation between the queries we took into account for the whole research and the largest domain concerning human migration. The network show the related topics between human migration and the queries we further explore in the research: space colonization & space exploration.


To deliver this protocol, the Seealsology tool has been set with a 2 distance value, considering human migration, space exploration & space colonization as seeds. The output provided a network fitting 1360 nodes & 1877 edges. Then, the model has been .gefx exported and opened in Gephi to produce a meaningful network. The Force Atlas 2 layout mode has been selected to provide the most suitable output. In the Data Laboratory section within’ the same tool, an “On Topic” column has been filled up, in order to identify connections that are pertinent with our starting point.


Data Source: Wikipedia + Seealsology
Timestamp: 01/11/2018
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