The alluvial plot displays three different steps, according to the queries (space colonization & space exploration), the website category and the main topics. The information is related to the most relevant results within the Google Search. Indeed, the aim of the visualization is to put in evidence what kind of providers are facing the issue and what are the main related topics discussed into the web. The data here represented, show how news providers as well as webzine and magazines are the most relevant categories. This feature lead the research path to focus on the news media, which are the object of next protocols [(4) (5)].
To deliver this protocol, we addressed the Google Search in incognito mode. The research has been focused on United States, displaying the results in English.
The timeframe selected includes the first 100 results per query from 1/1/2018 to 1/11/2018, sorted by relevance. The SEOquake tool has been used to easily collect all the URL’s.
The results have been opened and scraped with the TextRazor tool, in order to extract the referred topics from each text content.
A manual scraping has been made to clusterize many different subtopics and providers typology.
All the results have been organized by columns in an Excel folder, in order to match topics, providers and publication dates.