Every second around 6,000 tweets are tweeted.
How much data does social media use?
How much data volume of one newspaper?
How many population in the world?
Around 820 pictures/s are posted on Instagram.
How much data Does Instagram use?
The energy consumption of one cup of Espresso.
Conversion of power consumed by network traffic
Around 2,770,285 Spam Emails/s are sent.
How much data of one email?
The carbon footprint of one spam email.
The volume of carbon absorbed by tree.
Around 194 Songs/s are downloaded.
Data of one song downloaded.
Power in holding a concert in a stadium.
How much data does music streaming use?
Around 34,723 snaps/s are shared by users.
How much cellular data does Snapchat use?
How much power to bake a pizza for 15 mins?
How many hours viewed by users in a second?
How Many Miles Around the Earth?
Power and mileage Model S could use.