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A set of recommendations
to make your camera safer

DO purchase a camera with an encryption feature and be sure to activate it. This simple attention ensures that your live feed can’t be accessed or viewed by others.

DO make sure your camera supports the WPA2 wireless security protocol. This secures your video feed as it is transmitted to your home wireless router.

DO double-check that the camera’s login page web address begins with “https”. If you don’t see the “s” (which stands for “secure”), your video feed is not private.

DON'T turn off password protection on your camera and don’t use the default features. Setting up a strong, unique password during installation can make the difference.

DON'T point your camera directly at a person or objects that include personal information. Someone can take information from it.

DON'T assume that the IP camera comes with the latest software. Treat it like mobile phone or computer software by regularly checking the manufacturer’s website for updates and installing them as soon as possible.