
To study Actor-Followers Groups we decided to use Facebook as field of analysis. As already explained before the social network gives the possibility to express different cultural facets with images, long texts and likes; and it is properly indicated to a cultural analysis. Facebook main biases were the first obstacle encountered approaching the research, for example it is impossible to have a big quantity of information on Facebook profiles of people who are not your friends. This instance drove us to focus only on public pages of actors and in particular on different aspects of the relationship between influencers and followers. At first we wanted to have an overview of the popularity of the different actors’ Facebook pages by counting the number of likes of each page. The outcome emerged from this analysis was the expectable superiority of Papa Francesco’s page, which is a worldwide known character, while an unexpected insight had been the low quantity of likes of UNHCR which despite being an European agency is one of the less liked actors on Facebook. Between the most liked actors there are Matteo Salvini followed by Matteo Renzi, while another Italian politician Angelino Alfano is at the bottom of the ranking. Secondly we decided to focus on the quantity of posts and comments about migration for each page in 2016 (until november). The goal of the analysis was to give a first idea of the dimension of the sample. We found out that the page of Matteo Salvini, is one of the most liked, but also the most commented page. Moreover, for what concerns the number of posts published, it is second to Lega Nord, the second most commented page. It is possible to individuate four ranges of comments rate: 0-100, 100 -1.000, 1.000 -10.000, 10.000 - 838.695. In general the number of posts is less then 100. That is not the case for Matteo Salvini (459), UNHCR (272) and Lega Nord (1.983 posts). Casapound is just on the line with exactly 102 posts written. Comments are always over the range of 0 -100, four samples out of ten are in the 100 -1.000 range while the other actors are divided in the two groups. UNHCR, Papa Francesco and Casapound are disposed in ascending in the 1.000-10.000 range; Matteo Renzi, Lega Nord and Matteo Salvini are the most commented pages. Particularly Matteo Salvini’s comments crosses the other’s with the overwhelming number of 838.695. These numbers indicate a strong activity concerning migration issue. Another interesting insight is that Marina Militare doesn't writes any post about migration, despite this it is possible to find out comments regarding this issue.
This could indicate a strive of Marina Militare not to be associated with migration phenomena, but actually it seems that people keep connect Marina with this topic.


What we did in this part of the work was to analyze the actors’ Facebook page; to do that we used Netvizz, a public Facebook tool. By selecting page ID, posts between 01/01/2016 - 31/10/2016 , full data and clicking “post by page only”. This tool has allowed us to download data about posts and comments from the actors’ Facebook pages. The database has been analyzed in Excel to discover which posts referred to migrans; to do that we filtered the posts column with our five queries (“immigrati”, “migranti”, “profughi”, “clandestini” and “rifugiati”) and other related words (such as "migrante", "immigrato", "profugo", "clandestino", "sbarchi", "sbarco", "barcone", "barconi", "refugees", "scafista", "scafisti", etc.). At the end of this process we had a new and smaller dataset with all the posts about the phenomenon and their related comments that we used to develop the visualizations.


Timestamp: 05/12/2016 - 12/12/2016

Data source: Netvizz

The file includes a set of Facebook data for each actor’s page (like count, talking about count, number of post in 2016, number of post about migration in 2016, total amount of comments in 2016 and total amount of comments about migration in 2016).