
If is true that different tribes have different imageries, how are migrants “represented” in each tribe? To answer this question we focused on the pictures of each tribe regarding migrants, and we selected the top ten liked the most; not all of the actors had enough pictures but we didn’t excluded anyone since even the choice of not to communicate with pictures can be interesting, for example though in the imagery mapping (question 4) Matteo Renzi, Guardia costiera and Alfano do not use many images to communicate and the few used do not represent any migrant. The sample we obtained had been divided in four clusters: pro and against migrants, with text and images of the authority, that are those with the actor himself or with another considerable person. From a comparison between them is easy to notice that on Alfano and Renzi Facebook pages, we registered a prominence of ‘authority’ pictures. It is not surprising to observe that actors with the majority of pro and against migrants pictures are more or less the same founded with the imagery mapping (question 4): Amnesty International and UNHCR have almost only pro migrants images. In particular the most liked UNHCR pictures are those belonging to the #withrefugees petition, a social campaign that involved celebrities. Also Papa Francesco, as we could suppose, uses a lot of pro migrant images. The most appreciated pictures on Salvini’s, Casapound’s and Lega Nord’s Facebook pages are instead those against migrants. Particularly we can notice that the most liked pictures of Salvini’s page are an excavator and a picture of the actor himself wearing a T-shirt with an excavator printed on the chest. This might be for the big popularity that the slogan “ruspa!” have on the page of this actor. In Casapound images it is possible to notice a big amount of slogans, between them the most popular is “Prima gli Italiani”. Lega Nord is absolutely the one which publishes the biggest amount of images with text, this is a kind of communication very quick that does not need much text on the post and allow an immediate interpretation. Each actor have a big quantity of Authority images, but Matteo Salvini and Amnesty International use it a little more frequently than others.


The data for this step has been downloaded using Netvizz, selecting page ID and clicking “all timeline images”, so we had a list of all images from the "Timeline Photos" album for each actors’ Facebook page. Using Excel, the dataset has been filtered using our queries to find out which image were connected with the phenomenon of migration. The result was filtered another time to discover the ten most liked images for each actor. These images has been downloaded and clustered in four groups observing the content of the image and reading the posts associated to them. The four cluster are: “pro migrants”, “against migrants”, “image and text” and “authority”.


Timestamp: 05/12/2016 - 12/12/2016

Data source: Netvizz

In this file there are 9 sheets each for actor. Every sheet shows the description of post in which the image appears, the image url and the number of like.