This visualization glimpses the evolution of the imaginary about Mars that storytellers have developed from 1910 to 2015. We found it interesting to focus on key words to help the readers understand quicker the conception of the different scriptwriters. On the left column are set the different keywords that categorized the plot of the movie. On the top is the timeline of the movies, the movies aren’t represented alone but by groups of 30 years. We decided to make a bigger focus over the year 2000 and 2010 because of the rising production. This infographic helps to understand the evolution of the different topics linked to Mars during the evolution of the cinema.
Notice that the negative evolution of one category doesn’t mean that it’s loosing its existence, it means that somehow another category was found more relevant. It is the case for scientist that is gradually overtaken by “human on Mars”. Another example is the space communication that appears only in the 70’s.
Finally, you can see that the word NASA have taken a greater importance (at least in the plot of the film) from 1995.