8. What topics are more relevant in the local news?

CANADA KENYA BRAZIL NAMIBIA AGAINST KATHLEEN WYNNE ANALYSIS ON BASIC INCOME SIDE ARGUMENTS PRO-BI TO HELP FAMILIES BASIC INCOME HARMS CIVILIANS PROFITS COMPANIES BENEFICT ON BASIC INCOME ON CANADA ECONOMY AND FUTURE CANADIANS THOUGHS ON BASIC INCOME AND ON OTHER COUNTRIES ECONOMIC ASPECT OF BASIC INCOME AND RISING WAGE HOW 15$ MINIMUM WAGE CAN BENEFIT ECONOMY INFO ABOUT BASIC INCOME INFO ON BASIC INCOME PILOT INFO ON HOW BI BEGAN LAUNCH OF BASIC INCOME PILOT PUBLIC MEETING FOR INTRO BASIC INCOME PILOT Q&A FOR BASIC INCOME PROJECT PILOT PEOPLE SKEPTIC ABOUT KATHLEEN WYNNE START SENDING PACKAGES FOR BASIC INCOME FAMILIES AGAINST NEUTRAL FOR Against Kathleen Wynne 1 Analysis on Basic Income side 1 Arguments pro BI to help families 2 Basic income harms civilians, profit companies 1 Benefit of basic income on canada economy, and future 1 Canadians thoughs on Basic Income and more countries 1 Economic aspect of Basic Income and Raising Wage 1 how 15$ min wage can benefit economy 1 Info about Basic Income 1 Info on Basic Income Pilot 1 Info on how it began 1 Launch of Basic income Pilot 1 Public meeting for intro @ basic income pilot 1 Q&A for Basic income project 1 Sceptic about Kathleen Wynne 1 Start sending packages for basic income families 1 Against 4 Info 3 Pro 10 Economy 12 Politics 5 POLITICS ECONOMY CANADA DATA ABOUT 10 YEARS OF BOLSA MORE THAN 2000 GOT BOLSA FAMILIA ILLEGALLY 10 MAYORS CHEATED TO GET BOLSA FAMILIA OTHER 2400 GOV. PEOPLE DID TOO 7/10 WHO RECIEVES BOLSA, WORK DATA ON HOW MANY PEOPLE GET BOLSA FAMILIA ECONOMY/INFO ON POLITICS EVERY 1$ ADD 1.78$ TO GPD FAMILIES NEED TO UPDATE DATA TO GET BOLSA GLOBO FORGET A PRIZE DESTINED TO BOLSA 28% LESS POOR THANKS TO BOLSA FAMILIA PRAISE TO BOLSA FAMILIA PRAISE TO BOLSA FAMILIA ALSO COUNTRY CAN BENEFICT RISING POORNESS, THREAT TO l AGAINST NEUTRAL MORE FOR THAN AGAINST FOR MORE AGAINST THAN FOR CERIMONIAL ON ANNIVERSARY Data about 10 year of bolsa 1 >2000 got Bolsa familia illegally 1 10 Mayors cheated to get Bolsa familia, almost 2.400 other gov. 1 7/10 who recievs Bolsa, work 1 Cerimonial 1 Data on how many people get bolsa familia 1 Economy/ info on politics 2 Every 1$ add 1.78$ to GPD 1 Families need to update things about Bolsa 1 Globo forget a prize for bolsa familia 1 Poor fell 28% ty to Bolsa Familia 1 Praise to Bolsa familia 2 Praise to Bolsa familia, also other countries benefict 1 Rising poor, threats to 1 Against 2 Info 1 Info/pro 2 Pro 10 Pro 1 Economy 9 Politics 7 POLITICS ECONOMY BRAZIL BI BENEFITS PEOPLE FOOD AND HOW BASIC INCOME CAN HELP GIVENDIRECTLY AND EBAY FOUNDER TALK ABOUT GIVING MONEY TO KENYA PRO-BI, AGAINST GOVERNEMTS NO ONE SHOULD SLEEP HUGRY TALK ON PARTY WHO WANTED BASIC INCOME PROJECT US MILIONAIRE WHO STARTED BASIC INCOME PROJECT TO BENEFIT PEOPLE FOR Basic income Benefits people 1 Food and how basic income can help 2 GivenDirectly and ebay founder talk about giving money to kenya 1 Pro Basic income, against governemt, no one should sleep hungry 1 Talk about party who wanted Basic Income 1 US milionaire who start Basic income project to benefit people, charity 1 Pro 7 Economy 5 Politics 2 POLITICS ECONOMY KENYA AGAINST FOR BIG RESUMES AFTER A BIG STOP FROM NORWEGIAN POLICY HINTS FOR BIG LABOUR MINISTRY DEFENSE GOVERNMENT & PROBLEMS ON BIG PRO-BIG, AGAINST GOVERNMENT Q&A ON GOVERNMENT AND BIG SOME DATA PROBLEMS IN BIG PROGRAMS START OF BI PILOT US WANTS TO GO BIG IN NAMIBIA TO HELP PEOPLE Economy 3 BIG resumes after a brief stop 1 From norwegian oil policy, hits for BIG 1 Labour Ministry defends government & problem vs BIG 1 Pro Big, against government 1 Q&A on Goverment & BIG 1 Some problems in data in BIG program 1 Start of BI pilot 1 US Wants to go BIG on namibia to help people 1 Politics 5 Pro 6 Against 2 POLITICS ECONOMY NAMIBIA


The alluvial diagrams show what were the most recurrent topics and the different positions of the main news sources per Countries in the 2 months next to the beginning of the experimentations. The main topics for all the 4 pilots are Economy and Politics and the most of articles in each Country are in favor of basic income. From the graph emerge that in Kenya the corporation experimenting are anti-government, in Brazil and Namibia articles that not support the UBI use the corruption as a motivation and in Canada who are not supporting it is because of his membership to the opposite party to what is supporting it.


Articles were taken searching the localized Google for 2 months after that country pilot started. After a short analysis, were manually tagged for: link, title, object, topic, position and position level. That way, a dataset was built, and articles were ready to compare.


Timestamp: 01/1/2004 - 15/11/2017

Data source: Wayback network per year