research question 2

Which are the sources that talk about gender-based hate and what is their orientation?

Description Protocol Data


Starting from the results of the first protocol, we focused on the clusters regarding “discrimination” and “gender studies” in order to understand if there was a recurring pattern treating the theme of gender-based hate. The visualization shows 50 results for the queries “Hate against men” and “Hate against women” on Google Search. While clustering every result according to the type of source, it was often possible to notice that the orientation of hate treated by the sources wasn’t connected to its query, defining the focus of the protocol.

In the visualization it’s possible to see that the “news” (58%) are the biggest source we found about the topic and that the orientation of the hate treated in the results is prevalently “towards women” (68%) proving that the balance of hate is hanging on the female side. Furthermore, it was interesting to notice that most of the sources related to the query “Hate against women” were really oriented towards women, while it was different for the query “Hate against man”, which orientation was split between men and women. The prevalence of women’s hate confirmed the direction towards “feminism” established by the Seealsology.


example of protocol

We searched for both queries on in Incognito Mode to be sure that the results were generated using anonymous browsing. We extracted the first 100 results for each query and excluded the e-commerce ones, keeping only 50 results for the visualization. Then we manually clustered the typology of the sources and we identified the gender-based hate orientation.


Timestamp: 07/11/2018
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