research question 9

Which are the arguments of the visual language of antifeminists?


Description Protocol Data


Alongside to the analysis of the verbal language of the eighth protocol, we decided to focus on the visual vocabulary used by those communities. We noticed that the language used was highly ironical and, starting from the images found on The Antifeminist Bank, we found out that this kind of tone of voice was often translated in the visual language of memes. The clusters of images found revealed the most frequent topics that were about “double standards” (same behavior exhibited by a man or woman which is evaluated differently). Among the arguments there are “false accusations”, “blaming society” and “male privilege is a myth”. Furthermore other categories like “feminist are stupid”, “unjustified hate” and “feminism’s perception” underline the hostility towards feminist and women in general.


example of protocol

After analyzing the glossary used by antifeminists groups we wanted to understand if there were some recurring arguments inside their visual language. In order to obtain these information we searched for a group of images collected from antifeminists for antifeminists. So we use the images gathered on the Facebook page “The Anti Feminist Bank” taking as a sample one-seventh of the images (230 on 1544), starting from the most recent posted on the group. The 8 clusters were identified with a color manually according to the type of message they want to convey.


Data Source: The AntiFeminist Bank FB Page
Timestamp: 21/11/2018
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