research question 5

Who are the main actors that talk about feminism and which are the themes they treat?




Description Protocol Data


In order to discover more about the the top-down vision of feminism we searched for the platforms used to gather informations about it and we found out that Youtube was the biggest platform used to treat the topic as it’s shown by the Hypertree.

example of protocol

The comparative visualization highlights the number of videos, the total number of views and the reactions of the most influential speakers sensitizing about feminism. We notice Emma Watson’s hegemony over the topic with the higher number of videos (19) and total viualizations (16.775K), followed by Oprah Winfrey’s videos, 11.649K views with just three videos, and Michelle Obama’s speeches with a total of 6.322K views for 9 videos. This shows that the resonance of each actor does not always corresponds to the number of videos. It was interesting to notice that, searching for “feminism speech”, two different videos of Milo Yiannopoulos, a British journalist known for his aversion to feminism, came up too.

The second visualization’s aim is to bring up the themes of the mainstream speeches about feminism. The dot plot is built by the number of words of text of the speeches from the Youtube’s “transcript” section. We divided the speeches into sections based on the treated topics, then we added the number of words represented by dots each dot is equivalent to 10 words, when the number wasn’t a multiple of ten it was rounded . By comparing the different speeches we can see how some themes are recurrent: for example each speech contains the section “sexual harassment”, “it’s a men’s problem too”, “experience”, “standing together”, and a final section of the “call to action”. Despite these similarities, a great number of original themes characterize each speech, meaning that feminism is facing a great variety of different problems.


example of protocol In order to find the speeches about feminism we searched on Youtube “sexual assault speech”, “sexism speech”, “feminist speech” and extracted the first 100 result per research cleaning the results considering just the speeches concerning the topic. For each video the name of the speaker was extracted and the number of visualizations of the same speaker were additioned. Then we considered only the speakers with more than 1 million views on the total of their views and visualized them by taking into consideration the total number of views and videos.

The stacked bar chart was obtained by extracting the transcription of the most viewed video of the top three speakers of feminism. We extracted it from the specific section of Youtube and divided it according to the themes treated and counting the number of words for each and the corrisponding timing of the video.


Data Source: Youtube
Timestamp: 11/11/2018
View Data (70KB)