Invisible eyes: from security concerns to privacy issues

What's being captured by the most recent leaked cameras on Insecam for each country?

Unknown Commercial City Residential Industrial Others /* */ How to browse Insecam screenshots:ā€¢ Click buttons to filter camera property types.ā€¢ Hover screenshot to highlight what it points at.ā€¢ Hover tag to see related cameras. /* */ Brazil Int Mix Ext Street ParkedCar Sidewalk Plant Tree Gate PropertyWall LampPost Wall Wire PropertyGate MovingCar Driveway Road Grass Bench CardboardBox BusinessFront FrontDesk Computer Display Fan Drawer Newsstand Drain Corridor Window ParkedMotorbike Staircase Overpass RoadSign PlasticBench Microwave Fridge Laptop 3Dprinter StoreSign Table GlassDoor StreetNumber Warehouse Rack Box FireExtinguisher PedestrianAccess Fence Lamp Store BusinessSign Beverage TrashBin BarbecueGrill Clothes Shoes Mannequin ElectronicCircuit Surface Awning BusStop Colombia Int Mix Ext Street Tree PropertyGate ParkedCar Rack Grass MovingCar Wall House Floor Chair Unidentiļ¬edHuman Window Roof ParkingLot Stairs Motorcycle Sidewalk LampPost Machinery Hall Table Sky Plant PropertyWall Trash Light Booth Door Fence Mirror Certiļ¬cates Board Pet School MovingBus Park Identiļ¬ableHuman InternalRoof Supplies Ofļ¬ceMaterial Lamp ConstructionWork ConstructionMaterials Balcony Human StackedBox Backpack Groceries Wires Fan SewingMachine Products Clothes Fabric Experiment Server Bike /WORDCLOUD INDIA Window Chair Worker IdentifiableHuman Tree Door Machinery Wall Paper ParkedMotorbike Plant ParkedCar Drawer Shed Box Balcony PropertyWall OtherProperties Ceiling Grass Table Computer Staircase Sacks Pallet Street Stairs People Desk PersonalObjects Seats Net Bench Garden Deposit Tube FrontDesk WoodenBarrier TrashBin ParkedBike WalkingHuman Awning AutoRickshaw Garage Sidewalk Fence Entrance Buffet Steps Mud Wood Rooftop ColorfulWall Object DecorativeCartoon Calendar MovingBelt FloorCushion SittingPerson OfficeSpace Printer Woman WomanSitting WaitingArea Dog WaterBottle BrandSign Floor Rugs Posters Laptop ComputerScreen Purse Receptionist Watch Display FluorescentLight Shelves Gallon Tank Pipeline Tubes Man LargeRoll Lamp AdvertisingDisplay WorkingDesks Objects Products Sofa Mattress ShoppingBag Suitcase CeilingDecoration India Int Mix Italy Int Mix External ParkedCar PropertyWall Window Plant Gate Street OtherProperties GreenFence Tree Grass Sidewalk Door Balcony ParkingLot Driveway TrashBin Fence ExternalLamp ExternalLight MovingCar Awning Garden Shed LampPost Sunblind Roof EntrancePortico Stairs Rock PalmTree WelcomeRug Steps NoParkSign Drain EntranceDoor VehicleRamp PropertyWall HandRail Sky Furniture MovingTruck Garage Trampolin Pedestrians Decoration 3Dprinter RollerShutter Sea Mountain Chimney StreetSign Cashier Customers Products AdvertisingSign Television UniformizedEmployee TruckTrailer AirConditioner Containers GravelFloor Reception PaperBooklets PlasticContainers ElectricalSocket IndustrialPieces Identiļ¬ableHuman DryingStand PlasticChair PlasticTable GardenPath Pallet Spain Int Ext Mix Tree Street ParkedCar Grass Plant Sky PropertyGate Hall Identiļ¬ableHuman House Railing Stairs Pool PropertyWall Gate LampPost Table Cellar Chair ParkingLot ProductDispenser Rack Window Motor Lamp Rock Barrel Mirror Road FoodProduct BusinessSign ControlCenter Floor Door FrontageStore TumbleDryer WashingMachine Cabin Mountain Roof Sidewalk Rock Floor Roof Unļ¬nishedWall Bridge Roadsign MovingCar Yard Usa Ext Int Mix Grass Street Tree House Chair ParkedCar Lake PropertyGate Advertisement GlassDoor MovingCar Beach Table Plant Railing AlarmKeypad ElectronicProducts Showcase FloatingStructure Pot BrokenObject Unknown WoodenSurface Sidewalk RoadSign HotelRooms PropertyWall Yard Columns RoadSign LampPost Stores ParkingLot Ceiling WoodSticks MetallicStructure Ofļ¬ceMaterial Stores Aquarium Sea Unidentiļ¬ableHuman Pool TrashCan Sky Mountain Road Rock

Unprotected security cameras become highly vulnerable. Insecam is a website that scouts search engines for camera ā€œadminā€ pages without password or using default ones. They may be in businesses, homes or anywhere else. Tagged screenshots from the 25 most recent online cameras per country (at the time of capture) list the most common topics captured, hinting which kind of places, spaces and people their vulnerability might affect.

Main Findings

In Brazil and in the USA external leaked cameras prevail. These kind of privately owned unsecured cameras are pointing outside their property, as the images show.

India has a majority of internal cameras and many in the Industrial and Commercial categories. Among these, some are tagged with ā€œIdentifiable Humanā€, meaning workers captured can even be facially identified.

example of secondary visualization

Only 3 unsecured cameras were categorized as City monitoring ones, an interesting fact considering that these focus on places that are 100% public.

Italy presents an absolute majority of residential cameras, a fact that is also reflected on the main tags for the country such as ā€œProperty Wallā€, ā€œPlantā€ or ā€œGateā€.

example of secondary visualization

About a third of the cameras in Italy were on commercial places, with customers and employees being openly broadcasted to people with access to the leaked camera.


example of protocol

Data sources

Date of retrieval
