Youtube is among the main sources of tutorials for mostly everything, providing a personal point of view without getting lost in the advertising listings found on Google search. The research depicts the most repeated unexpected common objects where cameras can be hidden, different places where we are used to see security cameras. Check your tissue box, it is the second most repeated place to hide a camera!
Main Findings
Appliances are the most frequently recommended places to hide a camera, a total of 24 times amongst all the videos. These devices include: clock, mobile charger, smoke detectors or power plugs.
An interesting finding is that a Tissue Box shares the second most popular choice to hide cameras along with Plants.
The cameras are more often hidden indoors as compared to outdoors. Most of the objects to hide cameras are transformed using a DIY methodology.
It is interesting to note that daily-use objects such as books or mobile charger are a popular choice to hide cameras compared to objects which are not easily within human reach like a birdhouse.
The cameras can be hidden in something valuable like an electric device and also something very inexpensive like a tissue box.