the battlefield of the debate

Simultaneous appearance of the topics


Which are the main topics mentioned in the debate? How are they linked to each other? The aim of this visualization is to show the importance of the single actors inside the corpus and the recurrence of each actor compared to the others.

This representation will show the relevance and the relations among the topics emerged from our research by displaying them into the space and linking them more or less strongly depending on their simultaneous appearance into a document.

How to read the visualization

The visualization is a network displaying all the topics emerged from the discussion. They maintain the color of the categories of the previous visualization: services, case studies, regulations and technologies.

It is possible to navigate the map, in order to read the names of all the topics, also the smaller ones, and to highlight the links of every single topic by passing over it with the cursor.

The dimension of the sphere shows the recurrence of the topic in our corpus while the thickness of the link shows how often two topics appeared together in a document.

How it has been done

This visualization has been made calculating the appearance of every topic into the corpus and the appearance of every couple of topic into the same document.

The dataset has been displayed through the software Gephi in order to obtain a network. The size of the sphere representing the topic has been calculated as the recurrence of the topic, and the link between two topics is the recurrence of those two topics together. The more the thickness, the more the two topics were mentioned in some documents.


Thanks to this visualization it is possible to discover which are the most relevant topics and which category they are part of. For example it is easy to notice that Facebook, Twitter and the First Amendment are some of the most relevant topics.

Moreover it is possible to notice that the links between the topics go beyond their categories. This means that, for example, Facebook and the First Amendment are mentioned many times in the same document, even if they don’t belong to the same category. It is then possible to say that the discussion around online anonymity is not limited to a single category, but it is common to refer to many cases and services to argue a position.