Queries analysis

Polarizations within the most relevant topics and media


How are distributed the polarizations within the different topics that breaks up the dispute and what are the media that talk more about each topic.

How to read the visualization

The visualization is read considering the topics (x-axis) as single wholes within which is possible to see the divisions based on the polarizations of the debate (explained by the legend). Below each topic are shown, in proportion to each other, the two media more discussing the topics; each color represents a different media.

How it has been done

A dataset in Excel has been created (from the total corpus) composed by three columns - the three polarizations - and ten line - the topics - (derived from reading and tagging all the pages), to see, on the total of each topic, how many contents were in favor/against surveillance or neutral. Using the data collected and an automatic generator of histograms (Pages) the visualization was created, then refined by hand using Illustrator. The two main media for each topic where found doing a count and manually represented in proportion.


The visualization shows that there are topics that are much more debated, like human rights. The polarization against surveillance is the majority, but is also visible for what topic there are more speakers in favor. The main media appear to be five: every topic has its favourite channels through which communicate.


Timestamp: 24/11/2014 - 10/12/2014

Data source: Google

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