How to read the visualization
The two facing columns are two parallel displays of the same set of information. We wanted to show what the Google Search results give back to the query “Mario Costeja Gonzaléz”, to do so we mimic the pagination of, indeed each row of the column contains ten blocks, where each one of them is a page result, only in the left column the square’s colour refers to the year of publication, while in the right column it points to the main topic of the page, to do so we divided the pages into these categories:
News sites
Online laws and rights
Informatic and digital themes
General personal blog
Public institutions
Wikipedia pages
Scrolling down the page we see two following visualizations in which the blocks of the previous graphs have been aggregated according to the year of publication, in order to clearly quantify and all the pages generated afterward athe two original LaVanguardia articles, and in which kind of websites tMr. Gonzalez has been called up.