Chapter 1 - What about milk?

On Wikipedia


Thanks to the See also section at the end of each page of Wikipedia, we try to understand how all the topics found in the first research are connected between themselves.


The topics that come out from the motivations Nutrients, Diseases, Intolerance, Allergy, Hormones, Chemical Agents, Fitness, Livestock Practice, Water Waste, Climate Change and Alternative Milk are converted in the equivalent Wikipedia pages.

The Wikipedia pages are: Milk, Nutrient, Disease, Physical fitness, Bovine somatotropin, Plant milk, Milk substitute, Lactose intolerance, Clattle, Dairy, and they are insert in Seealsology.

The Seealsology’s result is then refined in Gephi, with the following settings:

  • Filter: Degree range > 2
  • Layout: ForceAtlas2
  • Nodes Size: Ranking – Indegree
  • Nodes Color: Partition - Modularity Class

How to read it

The network shows how the Wikipedia pages are linked, creating different clusters by topics, shown by the color, and relevance, shown by the size. The red dots are the 10 initial pages.


The outcome is the creation of two big clusters. The one on the top is mostly related to human health, the other one is more about the animal treatment and the ethical thoughts about it.

These two themes are completely different and have around them two different controversies. So we decide to concentrate our research on human health, because the investigation is pertinent to the consumption of milk. The animal treatment would had opened issues completely different from the starting topic, such as veganism and quality of meat.


Timestamp: 17/11/2015

Data source: Wikipedia

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