Chapter 2 - Is drinking milk healthy?

Network of results


It’s now time to examine and understand the connection between all the websites came out from the five queries. The aim in this phase is to obtain a visual return of these relationships. In order to reach it, we started to relate all the host names of the websites with Triangulate, discovering that is the only one that is in common between nutrients, diseases, intolerance, external agents and body good, while no link joins all the 5 categories.

Since we consider not sufficient the result reached, we decide to search for another way to underline the relationships between all the links.


By authors - Protocol

The typology of the websites induces the creation of a network, using Hyphe and Gephi.

Gephi’s settings:

  • Nodes Size: Ranking - Hype Indegree
  • Nodes Color: Partition – Topic (1) or Typology (2)

How to read it

In the overhead network, the dots, sized by relevance, represent the websites and the lines are the distance between them. Every color is one of the 14 categories, in which the links are grouped.


In the network there’s a dot clearly bigger than all the others, that is NiH (the National Institutes of Health), a Digital Library. It maintains the database of PubMed, one of the main source of references for life sciences and biomedical topics. Furthermore, you can notice that the news’ cluster predominates on the others.


Timestamp: 21/11/2015

Data source: Google

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