At this stage during the analysis of the news we wanted to discover what were the most talked topics about and whether there were relationship between the Chinese and the American news keywords.
In fact, 15 common news keywords were taken between the two nations to see the number of times they were repeated in the different types of news. We also scraped the related keywords to them to show the different arguments relationship. We can see the trend of the keywords in both periods of analysis and it is interesting to see how the two countries, not only have a different frequency on keyword but also the related words to it are different in many cases.
Nuclear is of course the keyword with the highest frequency for both countries, and it is talked in all the different types of news, mostly in China than in USA, specially on technology and environment, but actually there is only one case in 2017 where the keyword Nuclear was related to the same argument both in China and USA. We have other examples of this relationship on the Chernobyl keyword (two words in 2016 was the same) and Ukrain keyword.
Some of the keywords sometime doesn’t appear for some type of news, or for all the news, that’s the case of Usa keyword. China doesn’t have the word Usa on the news analyzed but on the other hand Usa have the keyword China both for 2016 and 2017.

According to the articles that we collected in the previous analysis using the Web scraper tool we used excel to select the top ten publishers of the two countries.
We analyzed almost 150 news for both countries in the two period of analysis. Google translator was used to translate the Chinese news in English. We use Voyant tools to find for each news the main keywords and the related keywords for each one of them. We did another excel file with all the data collected and we selected the top 15 keywords that were in common for China News and Google News. We used raw graph to visualize the frequency and Illustrator to the final visualization.
Data source: Google News , Baidu News
Voyant Tool
Download data(keywords), Download data(News)
Voyant tools provide us related words of a specific keyword. We decided to collect only the top 5 of these for a better visualization.