research question

What are the recurring topics in the news carried out by the Chinese and American media? Is there any relationship?

Technology Health Politics Enviroment Economy Power Energy Fuel China Safety Ukrain People Company USA Reactor Radiation Chernobly Construction Fukushima Technology Health Politics Enviroment Economy 2016 CHN USA 2017 CHN USA Nuclear Destroyed Number Of Keywords 1156 0 72 289 MAX MIN Extent Of The Correlation Energy Affected History Exploded Carefully Challenges Bomb Indicator Affect Future Compared Developing Financial Build Fuel Cooperation Advanced Advantages Complete Expand Concern Equipment Basis Manufacturing Feedback Facilities Attack Acute Crisis Fragile Coastal Inland Blossom Demand Agenda Abandoned Deposit Disaster Civil Lack China’s Japan Chernobyl Dioxide Bids Consruction Billion Electricity Experience Carbon Measure Assertions Infected Gundremming Japan Close Material Iranian Commercial Controls Inspections Assessment Conduct Fears Baffle Growing Fired Auction Fossil Agreed Free Industry France Construction Concerns Accident Harold Grandchildren Lucinda Commission Chernobyl Factory Implementation Harm Donald Emissions Competition Closures Economics Institute Declined Assets Field Charge Industry’s Nuclear Implementation Improved Civilian Contracting Digestion Reactor Mastered Complete Conventional Expanded Laying Installation Assembly Caused Equipment Delegation Pressure Northeastern Radiation Melted Control Pressure Northeastern Radiation Melted Control Finance Damage Bankrupt Foreign Exceeded Broke Clean Demand Coal Forward Burning Nagasaki Children Contaminate Loss Investment Hope Chairman Arak Fission Consruction Billion Electricity Experience Carbon Budget Fuel Impact Decided Massachusetts Highest Containment Detected Levels Core Agrees Argued Obtain Economy Advanced Meltdown Burn Pakistan Geochemist Indicate International Hinkley Euro Disaster Executive Handford Historical Department Manhattan Detonated Military Prevent Lack Activities Cataracts Equipment Europe Confinement Desolation Fund Nuclear Consumption Improved Advisory Carriers People’s Nuclear Experience Manufacturing Feedback Leukemia Nuclear Operator Electric Court Plants Inland Hubei Blossom Hunan Opposition Breach Foresseeable Nationwide Periphery Nucelar Japan Chernobyl China’s Magnitude Plant Living Energy Doll Estimate Nuclear Construction Experience Hydropower Lessons Generating Exploration Britain Operation Build Anhui Assume Grasp Participate Implementation Comprehensive Compromise Consumption Expanded Authority Electricity National Canada Claim Laboratory Plant Disease Addition Alzheimer’ Calm Compensation Market Plants Challenges Account Gas Goals Plants Installed Green Co2 Northstar Florida Fluctuations Health Environmentalists Complete Affairs Governments Halted Fossil Growing Demand Electricity Industry Power Better Advantage Arabia Agreed Consistent Atomic Disclosed Cooled Basis Application Clean Director Development Atomic Advanced Daiichi Accelerating Accumulated Concerns Consuming Compensate Actions Believing Core Death Attention Carefully Apartments Abandoned Border Coal Development Approved Depend Coastal Delayed Agency Africa Assets Debt Competitive Creat Deployment Emissions Commercialization American California Battery Agreements Cars California Efficiency Berkeley Developed Arthur Challenges Climate Administration Democrats Clean Balanced Combined Contarctors Average Accelerate Conclusion City Carbon Consultant Deployment Carbon Commonwealth Advocacy Ameren Arrangement Coalition Advanced Created Double Achieve Electric Develop Data Cut Demand Energy Evacuated Consequence Aid Blast Explosions Officials BBC Compensation Leukemia Kyushu Earthquake Containment Noise Attempted Avaliable Products Clinic Dairy Kidneys Largest Decree France Cleaning Health Material Bombing Commander Dissoulution Kyiv Fact Exposure Media Deaths Effects Coordinator Institute Levels Containment Live Cataracts Accident Deaths Danger Lived Affected Eerie Areas Broken Learned Appointed Radiation Caused Accident Aftermath Capitalist Anti Anniversary Born Cancers Accident 30th Accident Charge Cause Britain Action Central Alive Best Arrogance Academy Abnormalities Afraid Catastrophic Cancer Accident Beijing Afghansitan Arabian Abbotabad Border Biologist Abandoned Cancers Belarus Broken Accident Authorities Abandoned Belarus Cancer Chernobly Advanced Arabia Advantage China’s Combination Bradwell Cone Constructed CGNPC Body Clean Abroad Coastal CGNPC CNNC Accelerator Aluminum Attraction Brake Ceramic Areva Achieved China Association Build Achievement Accelerating Complete Advantage China Completed Approriatations CEO Amendment Canyon Accelerate Chance Announcement Complete Conglomerate Construction Facilities Disposal Earthquakes Ambassadors Fail Bases Concentrated Disposal Distributed Enclosed China’s Elements Extract Enviroment Addition Abamdpmn Broken Department Closed Cabacity Cycle Coastal Expects Explained Claims Criticality Economic Absorbing Errors Closer Breeder Disaster Consensus Fast Facility Difficult Decommissioning Ban Agreed Americans Disaster Daiichi Decommissioning Disputes Coal Cost Deployment Anti Choice Compare Core Experts Described Diehl Differences Fuel Accept Admit Affairs Approaching Arbitration Carriers America Arbitration Aircraft Armed Basis Bids Accidents Bay Atomic Actively Attended Association Allow Asia Areva Accelerating Achieve Billion Beijing Advantaages Accelerating Achievemente Advanced Buy Afghanistan Beijing’s Arabian Abbotabad Chernobyl Challenging Age Cave Ambitious Attack China Participate Extreme Homeland Evacuate Home Equipped Near Air Damage Defense Islands Methods North China’s Capacity Fukushima Ancient Damaged Firefighters Kharkov Hospital Aftermath Evacuation Hazard Landscape Cancer Born Contain Human Children Health Japanese Disorders Energy Observation Inside Minister Devastated Government Operator People Achievement Company Advantage Achieving Certificate Authorities Alleging Carcinogenic Client Case Aborad Assurance Cheaper Center Announced Acquisition Bid Collapsed Commercials Business Backed Calculations Claims Build Committed Advice Acquisition Center Chairman Carolina Company Fact Court ABE France Evacuation Court Clean Accident Canser Doses Daichi Finance Costs Adjust Clash Economy Broken Blood Chaos Conduct Disaster College Atomic Chernobyl Carolina Disaster Daichi Decommissioning Disputes Fuel Fukushima Management Compared IAEA Integrated Pacific Promulgated Deliberation Drafting Formally Lack Affected Closed Injury March Disasters Intent Reaction Contaminate Delay Established Fukushima Advanced IAEA Incidents Perfomance Problems Located Robotic Enhance Administration Extreme Agenda Conditions Emergency Disasters Safety Peaceful Kagoshima Suffered Accident Fuel Children Polluted Affected Dangerous Growing Kiev Destroyed Fallout Medical Sick Children Hjelmgaard Population Cemetery Parents Ukrain Tehran Commercial Kerry Physicist Iranian Radiological Attacks Islamic Breaches Coordinator Explosion Children Ukraine Clinic Population USA


At this stage during the analysis of the news we wanted to discover what were the most talked topics about and whether there were relationship between the Chinese and the American news keywords.

In fact, 15 common news keywords were taken between the two nations to see the number of times they were repeated in the different types of news. We also scraped the related keywords to them to show the different arguments relationship. We can see the trend of the keywords in both periods of analysis and it is interesting to see how the two countries, not only have a different frequency on keyword but also the related words to it are different in many cases.

Nuclear is of course the keyword with the highest frequency for both countries, and it is talked in all the different types of news, mostly in China than in USA, specially on technology and environment, but actually there is only one case in 2017 where the keyword Nuclear was related to the same argument both in China and USA. We have other examples of this relationship on the Chernobyl keyword (two words in 2016 was the same) and Ukrain keyword.

Some of the keywords sometime doesn’t appear for some type of news, or for all the news, that’s the case of Usa keyword. China doesn’t have the word Usa on the news analyzed but on the other hand Usa have the keyword China both for 2016 and 2017.


According to the articles that we collected in the previous analysis using the Web scraper tool we used excel to select the top ten publishers of the two countries.
We analyzed almost 150 news for both countries in the two period of analysis. Google translator was used to translate the Chinese news in English. We use Voyant tools to find for each news the main keywords and the related keywords for each one of them. We did another excel file with all the data collected and we selected the top 15 keywords that were in common for China News and Google News. We used raw graph to visualize the frequency and Illustrator to the final visualization.


Data source: Google News , Baidu News
                         Voyant Tool

Voyant tools provide us related words of a specific keyword. We decided to collect only the top 5 of these for a better visualization.