When reading massive information, people usually are attracted by the images among text, the content described in the news can also be reflected vividly through the image. Collecting images in news articles of different category helps us to understand what images China and US medias use to transmit the image of nuclear reactor.
The visualization mainly expresses the relation between subject, number of images and the category of news articles. China and US medias both use a large amount of Chernobyl images in environment category articles, when using images to report their own reactors, US media used images in political articles, while China in the technology category. With regard to using images in political articles, US uses many images of Jeong eun Kim, while China uses many images of Shinzo Abe to report.

By using Fatkun batch tool, we scraped 1067 images from classified news articles and we found the similarity of images by using Image Sorter. We identified and selected top 5 groups of images with the highest similarity to label and count, by combining the keyword and tag in articles corresponding to the images. We manually marked and classified them by period according to the subject or the subject described in them.
Data source: Google News , Baidu News
Image Sorter
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Using Fatkun Batch tool to collect 652 images for USA and 415 for China. Inserting the images folder into Image Sorter, this tool provides an overview of our images separated by similarity and let you saved selection of similar images.
According to the subject of the news we classified the corresponding images manually.