We employed Google Trends, Baidu Index and Crimson Hexagon to portray the general ongoing tendency about North Korea. The former two to investigate how search engines researches are behaving, the latter to control social conversations about the topic. Framing it as a wider phenomenon helped us understanding which are the main conversations going on on North Korea. Both Search Engines and social conversations peeks are strictly related to Trump, nuclear threats from the Hermit Country and diplomacy making. Trend lines show us how the public debate on North Korea is accelerating, especially after the first nuclear test of 2017, occurred in April. From that day one posts and user generated contents are constantly rising.
We setted “North Korea” as research query. Using Google Trend and Baidu Index we selected the topic, narrowed the timespan (we decided to consider the last year of researches, due to an higher amount of results) and downloaded the CSV files. Using Crimson Hexagon we wrote a generic query: (“north korea”) We selected our sources: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Forums and Blogs. We narrowed the timespan considering only one year of contents and we downloaded the CSV file.
Timestamp: 11/2016 - 11/2017
Data source: Google, Baidu, Crimson
Download data (4MB)
We obtained three different dataset: one for Baidu, one for Google and one for Crimson. Every dataset reported dates and number of researches/posts.