Once understood the main shared categories the following step was to find whoprovided the relevant contents.
Are there more official sources or more common users? And in which quantity they provided the videos?
As a result there is a huge variety of providers, especially for China, whereas for U.S. the whole backgrounds seems to be more linear: official channels relate to this contents more often.
Using the same dataset of the last research step, the analysis here focused on the different sources sharing videos about North Korean defectors.
Once we found out all the different users and sources sharing the videos we wanted to highlight the connection between them and the different categories. It was interesting to discover a general trend in sharing the contents always focusing it into a specific category.
Timestamp: 11/2016 - 11/2017
Data source: Youtube, Baidu Video,Bilibili
Download data (125KB)
The excel file is organized in information about ranking, publishing date, URL, title, description, topic, view, like, dislike, comments, category and user for each video. There are two folders: one for the U.S. videos analysis and the other for the Chinese part.