research question

In which regions the scholars study more on Malaysian Chinese?

Description Protocol Data


From the previous section, we noticed that 2(3 in total) authors with higher impact are Malaysian Chinese,then we think it might be interesting to explore the geographic distribution of all the institutions.

It was found that a large number of papers related to Malaysian Chinese appeared on the southeast coast of China and Malaysia. There are also scattered distributions in other parts of the world. In the map, the size of the circle represents the number of papers.


example of protocol

Starting from the previous dataset, we studied more about the affiliation location of authors. We traced the authors of 40 papers and searched the geographic coordinates of their institutions to map the papers. We searched manually the affiliation location on Google map and visualized it with, then we used illustrator to modify the size of the dots.


Data Source: Google scholar,Google map
Timestamp: 19/10/2018
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