Starting from the research question, we used the main query, “Web personalization”, to investigate how this topic is discussed in newspapers like the NY Time, The Guardian and the news collector Google News.
The protocol starts disconnecting from the personal Google account and opening an incognito window. For each of the three newspapers the protocol move on setting the research terms: searching the query “web personalization” by relevance and filtering by date (from the first dai of the year 2014 to the last day of the same year). For each page of results some informations as link, author, title, date, category were asked to be extracted.
With a manual search all the urls necessary for the total research was collected and then used with kimono to obtain the entire dataset. After having analyzed all articles, 43 of them were kept for the New York Times, 20 for the Guardian and 76 for Google News.
The analysis has led to determine which articles were Pros or Con or not relevant.
The outputs are three graphs:
1. An overall of the articles obtained with Kimono, where the articles are disposed, by year, by kind and by position about the debate;
2. A comparison between the categories and the opinions;
3. A general “trend” for each newspaper, for year and in general.