See Also Analysis

Starting the Analysis: Wikipedia See Also Network


We started going deep in the topic by analysing Wikipedia. Starting with five pages linked to our theme, we found a network of connections and then tried to figure out how themes were linked to each others and to our main topic, the Internet Addiction. The five pages (Internet Addiction Disorder, Digital Addict, DSM, Internet Addiction, Online Identity) have been chosen in order to have the most clear and complete overview of the phenomenon.

How to read the visualization

The visualisation represents the network of four see also levels of the five Wikipedia pages we started our analysis with. Each circle represents a knot, which is a specific Wikipedia page, and its dimension varies according to the number of links shared with other knots (the bigger the knot is, the more links it is connected with). Each circle has a colour assigned corresponding to the cluster or main topic it refers to. The lines connecting the circles represent a direct link between two Wikipedia pages; arrows indicate a direction. The further knots and clusters are, the less they are related to the main theme.

How it has been done

The visualisation is associated to a dataset where the four see alsolevels from the five Wikipedia pages are sorted. Each see also has been identified using Seealsology, after manually taking the first level. Once gathered all links together, Gephi has been used to visualise them: the .csv has been imported and applied the “force atlas 2” algorithm. An editable file has been downloaded and reworked on Illustrator.


The first evidence is about the formation of the two main clusters: in the middle there is a group with both Social Media and behavioural addiction themes. Detached from this group, there is the medical/psychiatrical cluster. Smaller clusters such has Computer Crime and Economy, orbiting around the main cluster, have not been considered because not relevant in terms of the research.

The linking topics between social clusters and medical ones are the self-help and the personal medicine.

The unique map configuration led us to a deeper research both in the social and medical spheres, aiming to a better understanding of how the two worlds are related and interact with each other (see the image below).


Timestamp: 20/11/2014 - 30/11/2014

Data source: Wikipedia

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