
Through a comparison of the articles collected in periods of attacks and those of truce interval periods we notice a difference between the types of articles. Subdividing the articles in four different types, it can be seen that in times of attacks a very substantial part of the news is placed in the category "report". On the contrary during the truce periods, the category in which there is more material is "editorial". This is because during the attacks periods there is a tendency to outline the facts immediately. During the intervals considered in between the attacks, meditations and studies on the topic are produced in bigger quantity.


Through the use of the Alexa ranking, four European news sites were selected to be used for the collection of data relating to the articles concerning ISIS. Two of the four news sites (Euronews and BBC Online) were selected as first two European news sites in the ranking of the most used, the other two (The Telegraph and Mirror Online) from the ranking of the UK. This method of selection considered news sites that use the English language for their publications, but we discovered that this wasn’t the case after all (read below).

The data collection was first conducted on Google to collect the articles. Each search query used the word "ISIS," combined with the name of a city (Paris, Brussels and Nice) in the periods in which terrorist attacks in Europe have occurred.

The 7 periods examined were selected referring to the results of Google Trends as shown in the introduction of this website. Respectively to the peaks represented by the attacks were selected 3 interim periods, defined truce time intervals. For each event or research period it was defined a time range of two weeks for the collection of the articles. The same search query matched to the reference period was repeated four times, once for each news site; for a total of 28 searches.

Example: ISIS AND Paris site: - Costum range: Nov 6, 2015 - Nov 20, 2015

The results of each research were collected with the Google Chrome extension Web Scraper that allows to collect specific items of the page through the html code reading. In this case, URLs, articles section, title and text were collected. The result was a .csv file for each search, containing the results of the scraping. The total number of articles collected (1758) was then manually reduced according to the relevance for this research; the final number of used articles is 1215. Most of the articles were written in foreign languages, for this reason the articles were translated into English using Google Translate.

All generated datasets were combined into different files for analysis. For each item was manually assigned a reference category: report, editorial, security and against terrorism. This division of the dataset was maintained for truce interval periods and those of attacks to make a comparison between the results obtained.


Timestamp: 06/12/2016 - 13/12/2016

Data source: Google, Web Scraper, Voyant tool

The collected data was organized into 6 different datasets.

1_charliehebdo - 2_bataclan - 3_brussels - 4_nice
For each of the four periods of the terrorist attacks there is a dataset containing all the downloaded articles with Web Scraper (link, title, text, category) and the added elements during analysis (translated text, keywords, names, type, length and notes). The first sheet contains the just mentioned elements while the other summarizes the counts of these elements. The "keywords" sheet shows for each item the number of times they appear in the articles of that period.

For truce defined periods there is a single file that contains a sheet for each period with the elements collected using Web Scraper. In the “category” sheet are listed the reference types for each article analyzed.

In the "category" sheet, the type of reference is listed for each article analyzed.