In this interactive map we can visualize how the different terminologies are used across the world. The use of the term seem to vary across different countries, expecially from East to West, but America is the indisputed centre of the debate, where there are the most advanced and audacious legislations and testings, also the peak number of searches for a term. We chose to focus the next sessions of our research in the U.S.A. using the query “self-driving car” as the most consistently used term.

Google Trends showed a significant difference in where the different terms were used. We also needed to narrow down the ambiguity and vastity of the self-driving world by focusing the area where the debate was stronger with the most appropriate terminology. America is also the country where most of the high-tech companies are established and where there were events such as the Tesla's fatal car crash wich sparked up the debate across both U.S. And Europe. We used the data provided by Google Trends and inserted them in Carto to obtain a broader, more complete and interactive visualization.
Timestamp: 13/10/2017 - 13/11/2017
Data source: Google Trends
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The dataset contains the di erent actors most discussed, how many times they are mantioned through the amount of words in the articles.