In our first graph we investigated how people researched safety on Youtube channels. We divided the videos into categories to see which category attracted the most interest with the like/dislike count. One interesting thing we discovered is how the “science & technology” category is the most appreciated while “auto & vehicles” which should be expected to be the main recipient is actually not. We then proceeded into analyzing the comments.

We used Alexa to select our social media of choice. We chose Youtube because of the high traffic and rate of content uploaded. We also wanted to have a more emotional response so we preferred focusing on visual content rather than news. Our query for the Youtube was “self driving car + safety” which we discovered to be the most viewed topic in the Newspaper analysis. We created the database using DMI tool containing 25 chanel made in to 7 categories showing their views, likes and dislikes. Manualy scraped the dataset selecting 82 videos that have the biggest number of comments and views.
Timestamp: 01/12/2016 - 05/12/2016
Data source: Youtube
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Our dataset is .xsl file that contains top chanenels, video titles, classification of the video and views, likes and dislikes.