We wanted to discover the main issues and concerns that people have towards self driving cars. We discovered that there are three types of positions in this debate. First, the people that are happy about driverless future because it is more secure and will bring smarter and innovative solutions to our society. On the other side we have a skeptical side which is more concerned with car hacking, data security and ethical implications of a technology which is not mature yet. The third position we found is that of non believers, those who don’t trust in the technology at all to reach its full potential before a really far and distant future .

We created the dataset using DMI tool. Collecting the comments of 82 videos with the highest amount of views, and by using voyant tools we extrapolated the main keywords in order to understand the different points of interest in the discussion. We then proceeded cleaning the data with Open refine and received a total amount 33 final keywords. We then exported the data in Rawgraphs and created the visualization.
Timestamp: 01/12/2016 - 05/12/2016
Data source: Youtube
Download data (4MB)
Our dataset is .xsl file that contains the most used terms in the discussion and the frequency.