In the centre of the map we can see the two blue dots being driverless/autonomous car pages on Wikipedia. The other clusters and dots represent pages related to the main seeds at three levels of depth. Safety emerges as a vaste and interconnected sub-topic with a galaxy of pages ranging from safety guidelines & regulations to technologies for car crashes and so on. “Technological unemployment”, “disruptive technologies” individuate an area strongly linked to the ethical use of new technologies in society. Moving towards the centre, in the yellow area, we individuate an area of technological solutions to integrate mobility & safety into the urban landscapes, with city planning, smart parking and so on. Some topics like Car hacking and Electric cars are strong and stand really well alone, while there is a large range of components, automated vehicles, sensors wich seem to be mixing in with technological and car companies. These last one don't actually show up in an impressive number, despite their high relevance on news media.

The “Driverless car” and “Self-driving car” pages only send the user to the Autonomous car page which, for unclear reasons, seem to be the terminology of choice today at 12/11/2017. Taking Autonomous car as a seed we used Seealsology to crawl up to three levels into related pages. The file was downloaded and edit in Gephy. All the clusters that touched topics too far away from self-driving cars or irrelevant for our analysis were removed and the file was exported in Illustrator to increase its legibility. A previous trial using only two levels of depth wasn't able to reach relevant topics such as Car hacking, only clustering most of the related pages under Car safety, and was therefore discarded to favour a wider sight.
Timestamp: 01/12/2016 - 05/12/2016
Data source: Wikipedia
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We provide here the Gephy file used to elaborate the visualization. It was edited in order to increase legibility and relevance of the nodes.