Each area represents the number of articles written during 2017 by the news providers hailing from the countries protected by the Net Neutrality Law or other regulations. We refer only to the articles where the word “Net Neutrality” appears in the headline. Each frame reports the name of the country and the name of the news providers considered. On the opposite corner the number of headlines related with the topic is written. The classification, starting from the countries that have less articles, placed in the top left corner, continues with the countries that have more articles, placed on the bottom right corner. The two main news providers websites are selected per each country, according to On the left side, you find the name of the countries covered by the Net Neutrality Law whose providers have not written articles during last year.
The map shows the most interesting countries in the debate. This visualization summarizes the information on the top, showing the countries interested in the debate through a geographic area. The countries in blue are those where news providers have written more articles.

First of all, we only considered the countries in some way already related to our topic. So, we started from the First Phase list, where we collected information about the Law and other regulations for each country. We selected only the countries covered by any sort of legislation on Net Neutrality. This selection worked like a first step: the first level of interest is defined by the legal aspect. After that, we searched on the two main news providers websites for each country and then, we collected the links. Using Goole Scraper, we obtained a list of headlines mentioning Net Neutrality in the headlines. We focused on the headlines, because we realized a lot of articles containing the word “Net Neutrality” “anywhere” or “in the body of the article” (definition by Google Scraper) mentioned the topic, while they spoke about something completely different. We manually selected the articles written during 2017 from this list. We counted them by news provider, then we summed the number by country.
Timestamp: November 2017
Data source: Alexa, Google Scraper
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From we collected the name of the two main news providers for each country, then we searched for the link for each website. After that, we looked for Net Neutrality headlines in Google Scraper. We obtained a list of headlines we cleaned from the useless information.