To further explore the specific content of the 50 links, we analyze and conclude: Industry technology companies (such as Google Amazon), they are more concerned about data center applications (Solve, Service, Product, Cloud, Program) and stability (System, Power). Professional websites pay more attention to: system(cooling),application (such as cloud) and energy (Consumption, Energy Saving). As for the government aspect (the results are all from Google), the US government’s focus on data centers are energy efficiency, cost, and construction.
In summary, we can conclude that the top 25 webpages(baidu or google)obtained by search engines are more suitable for decision makers in professional fields, industry organizations and decision makers at relevant governments.
We used the 50 urls in the first protocol, and then 50 urls were input into VOYANT-TOOLS. We got some keywords and their frequency. At the same time, the searched text and irrelevant text were deleted. Finally, we sorted the words by frequency and divided them into 6 categories according to the content.
Data Source: Google , Baidu
Timestamp: 02/11/2018
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Our dataset was consisted of a table containing both Chinese and English search results, including the frequency of keywords, the type of website and content.