During the research process, we generated a very curious focus. Through News Links collected from China and US by two search engines , how is the exposure bias of news media on data center?
After collecting and sorting out news data, we found that nearly half of the news in the top 100 news (both Baidu and Google) is covered by green data centers of the star companies (and almost all positive).For US, most of the rest of news resources are the general discussion of the data center (management, operations, technology, applications, etc.). News reports that are negative about the data center are very rare (for example, data centers are very energy-intensive in the world). Compared with Google, Baidu News’s display results tend to be news events from industry events and conference forums as well as professional websites. It shows that China has the fastest growth rate of data center and has a strong momentum for the development of data centers. Compared to Baidu, Google News has exposed more star companies’ green data centers and industry information, which is in line with the US data center’s leadership in terms of quantity and nergy efficiency in global.
Firstly,we search for “Data Center Energy” in Google News (set to US Regional and English) and Baidu News (sorted by news focus), and collect the top 100 news links by manually defining a series of variables(news media, news subjects, news content, news attitudes, etc) to extract relevant information from news.After inputing data on Excel, we use Raw Graphy to make preliminary visualization and finally improve visualization through Illustrator.
Data Source: Google News , Baidu News
Timestamp: GOOGLE NEWS (2008~2018),BAIDU NEWS(ALL)
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This dataset is made up of 200 news collected from Google News and Baidu News respectively.The manual variables contain that News order,Publishers,News Object,News Topic,Attitude etc.